KYOCERA Net Manager (V8.x): 1. Overview

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  Service Technician
  15  minutes
Your Price: 0.00 €

Brief Description

  • This course is for everyone interested in getting an idea about the scope and the capabilities of the KYOCERA Net Manager.

Target Group

  • Service Technician
  • This course is for everyone interested in getting an idea about the scope and the capabilities of the KYOCERA Net Manager

Theoretical and practical contents

  • The eleven "needs" concept
  • Meeting needs with capabilities
  • Phase: Assess
  • System overview
  • Phase: Design
  • Single Server Configuration
  • Multi-Site Configuration
  • Phase: Implement
  • Configuration support
  • Phase: Manage
  • Cost control by policies
  • Phase: Optimize
  • Transparency and optimization

After this training you will be able to…

  • Identify the scope and application areas of KNM
  • Recognize the features of KNM and the users‘ pains they can solve
  • Evaluate the strengths of KNM in the different phases of the MDS cycle


This course module is a "package" containing other course modules.

KYOCERA Net Manager V8 Overview Test
TST Test | 15 minutes | English
Details and Dates